February 22, 2025

Directions to Haulover Beach

Haulover Beach is located at 10800 Collins Ave, Bal Harbour, FL 33154 (View a Map of Haulover Beach Park)

Driving Directions

For Uber/Lyft: Ask to get dropped off at 15600 Collins Ave. The tunnel will be right there.

If you are seeking the clothing-optional beach, you would park in the first parking lot saying HAULOVER PARK.

You walk through tunnel and there is a pathway. More textile and families go right, if you are seeking nude beach go left.

From the North
– Interstate 95 south to Ives Dairy Road
– Exit at Ives Dairy Rd., go east 1.2 miles to US-1
– Turn right onto US-1.
– In 0.6 miles turn left onto SR 856 (William Lehman Causeway) Be careful not to turn left into Aventura Mall before you get to SR 856.
– Drive east for 1.6 miles and exit south onto A1A.
– In 1.6 miles go to SR 826 and continue south underneath the overpass.
– Drive 0.8 miles look carefully on the right for signs for Haulover Beach.

From the South:
Take I-95 or US-1 north to NW 125 Street (Route 922) and go east across Broad Causeway (50 cent toll) to Collins Ave (AIA). Then turn left (north) onto Collins Ave.

On A1A (Heading South) as soon as you see the “Welcome to Haulover Park” sign on the right then take the next right and park there (anywhere). There is a tunnel from the parking lot that goes east directly to the nude beach (not far to walk maybe .5 miles).

Parking at Haulover Beach

Parking is paid for via the mobile app called PayByPhone. It’s a flat $7.27 regardless of how long you stay.

The parking lots open at about sunrise and close at sunset. There are pedestrian tunnels under Collins Avenue leading from the parking lots.

There is NO overnight parking allowed.

2 Comments on Directions to Haulover Beach

  1. Here it is, late July, and I’ve yet to make it to the only beaches I know of in Michigan where I can skinny dip and enjoy a naturist experience. It’s more than 3 hours drive time from my home to the nearest beach and more than 6 hours to the most secluded beach. To make matters worse nude sun bathing, etc. isn’t leagal at either beach so I’m always on the lookout for the Fuzz and non-naturist civilians. I’d love to be at Haulover right now!

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  1. Halouver beach | UnitedDba

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