March 7, 2025

We Hosted Our Own Naked Party: Here’s What Happened

Naked Party

If you’ve ever thought about hosting your own naked party or nudist gathering, you’re not alone. As nudists, we often want to share our passion with our friends, bring everyone together and reap the benefits that social nudism has to offer – without it getting weird.

Now, a bunch of friends getting together, taking their clothes off, playing games, and having an awesome time may sound like something straight-forward. And it can be – if you do it right.

But hosting a nudist event for your friends will need a bit more planning than your average house party. This was something my boyfriend and I learned pretty quickly when we started planning our gathering. As we have found from experience, planning is vital when it comes to hosting a party of the nudist or clothing-optional kind.

After all, the last thing we wanted was to end up with a room full of people standing around awkwardly, all at different stages of undress.

Here’s what we did to set up and host our naked party, how it went, and what we learned along the way.

The Secret To Hosting A Successful Naked Party

We first started planning our great naked get-together following a conversation with our friends about the benefits of social nudism. We asked them if they’d be interested in coming to a naked partynot an orgy, as we had to explain a few of times – and they nodded.

But they’d only come if we were the ones hosting.

They wanted to feel safe somewhere they were familiar with, instead of venturing to a nudist party hosted by strangers and stripping off in unknown territory.

The looks of surprise and excitement we got from them when we agreed were all we needed to dive headfirst into our planning stage.

The first thing to note about hosting a nudist gathering is that you can’t expect it to be just like another regular get-together. The ins and outs of hosting a party like this require a little more thought than just sending out invites and buying chips and dips.

After all, many people aren’t comfortable getting totally naked, especially in front of their friends.

And the secret at the heart of hosting a successful non-awkward nudist gathering is the atmosphere. You have to make sure the mood is right, and create a safe, comfortable setting for people to get naked voluntarily.

Setting Up The Apartment For Success

Before we even sent out the invitations for our naked gathering, we got to work setting up the apartment to ensure maximum comfort for our guests, and to create the perfect atmosphere.

We wanted to host a full-on stark-bollock naked party, as opposed to a clothing-optional get-together. This was to make sure that everyone was on the same page, and no-one felt over – or underdressed. Though this sounds more daunting than a party where some clothing is allowed, it made more sense to go all-out and bare all right from the beginning.

As we were planning our event during wintertime, we cranked up the heating, making sure the apartment would be warm enough for people to be comfortably naked. There’s nothing worse than getting frostbitten tits.

We also tried out different ways of lighting the rooms, steering well clear of sharp, bright lights that felt more invasive than the soft glow of smaller lamps. We opted for dim, warm lighting from various standing lamps, strings of fairy lights, and colorful lampshades dotted around the apartment. It gave the place a sort of sophisticated, bougie feel.

Though candles would’ve added a nice touch, we weren’t sure that nakedness, fire, and alcohol would be a good mix when it came to health and safety, so we left those out.

After perfecting the lighting, we realized our neighbors probably wouldn’t want to watch 30+ naked butts from their kitchen window on a Friday night. We pulled the curtains closed to create an environment that felt safe and cozy for our guests to undress in.

We prepared a few bathrobes and slippers by the door too, for anyone who wanted to go outside for some fresh air during the evening.

Lastly, we set up a sort of “undressing room” right by the entrance, to give our buddies some space to relax, get in the right mindset, and undress completely before entering the party. Having a room or corner like this is especially useful as it lets your guests leave their shoes and clothes in one place – and forget about them – for the rest of the night.

How Not To Invite People To A Naked Gathering

The next thing when it came to planning our naked party was to actually invite all of our friends.

Inviting people to a nudist gathering can be a little bit tricky and might involve a lot of explaining. We learned what not to do the hard way – and that was to invite people to a vague-sounding “nudist party” and let them interpret what this meant for themselves.

We got a lot of questions and confused messages in the next few days about what exactly our naked party was about – most of our friends were concerned about whether the event was going to involve anything sexual.

The thing about being involved so deeply in the nudist community is that we forget what others’ perception of nudism is like. We don’t realize that non-nudists might still interpret naturism to be something that’s linked to dark, sexual fantasies or taboo topics. And without explanation, it makes things seem a heck of a lot more intimidating.

We thought we’d made the nature of the party clear enough, but apparently, we hadn’t. Half of our guests still thought they’d been invited to an orgy.

After clarifying that it was going to be a strictly non-sexual event, we realized the importance of letting people know what to expect, instead of assuming. Our intention was after all to bring people together and experience social nudism in a fun, safe environment.

When inviting your friends to your naked gathering, be sure to make the intention of the party clear, and let your buddies know exactly what your naked event will involve.

This way, there’ll be no uncomfortable surprises, everyone will know what to expect more or less, and they can prepare themselves accordingly. Also, the more informed your invitees are, the more likely it will be that they’ll RSVP yes and come along.

The Night Of The Nudist Party

The apartment was prepared, the invitations sent out, we’d filled a table with snacks and drinks and ditched our clothes in favor of a couple of dressing-gowns (to open the door) – we were set.

As we waited for our first guests to arrive, feelings of doubt started to creep in – would anyone even come? What if our guests don’t want to take their clothes off? Or worst of all, what if it’s just a weird, awkward mess of naked people?

But we didn’t have much time to dwell on our fears, our first guests arrived, and the night began. We invited them in, showed them to the un-dressing room, and, setting the example, removed our own dressing gowns.

We shared a shy laugh about the situation and after assuring them that this wasn’t a prank on them, we welcomed them to the party.

The next few hours went by just as smoothly – people arriving, undressing, and, after the first few awkward minutes, beginning to feel more at ease.

We were all in the same boat. Everyone was naked, no-one had anything to hide – literally. And that was exactly what made people feel most comfortable; the sense of unity and togetherness.

My boyfriend and I made sure one of us was always ready with a dressing-robe in hand to answer the door and welcome our guests into the party. There were drinks, snacks and games set out – naked Twister was not one of them – and chill music playing. We had conversations mostly about nudism and the uniqueness of naked gatherings.

We chatted, laughed any shyness and awkwardness away, played the games, and ate the snacks.

Once everyone got over the naked factor, it really was just like any other party.

As things started winding down and coming to a close, people began getting dressed and leaving. They thanked us for hosting a truly unusual party. They commented on how much more comfortable they felt than they’d imagined. They told us how they thought there’d be more awkwardness involved at a nudist party.

But it was really just that – a party where everyone was nude.

Have You Ever Attended Or Hosted A Naked Party?

Hosting out great naked gathering was an experience like no other – and one we’ll likely be doing again in the future!

The biggest lesson we learned from our début as naked party hosts were that preparation and planning are key. And of course, to be clear about the nature of the event – i.e. that it isn’t a ritualistic sex party.

Do you like the sound of attending a nudist gathering? Have you been at any nudist events or house parties before? Maybe you’ve even experienced hosting your own naked events, gatherings, or parties?

Whatever your experience, we’d love to hear from you!

Let us know your stories in the comments below!

If you like to party naked, you’ll want to check out our “Party Naked” collection on the Haulover Beach shop!

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