January 22, 2025

Why Aren’t There More Female Nudists?

If you’ve ever gone to a clothing-optional location, regardless of your gender, you may have noticed an unequal ratio of men to women. You may have even asked yourself outright, “why aren’t there more female nudists?”

Well, you’re not the only one. It’s a topic that most people like to debate in real life and over the internet. *groan* But I promise it’s a subject worth talking about! 

So is the reason because of a fear of being ogled?

Is it because of stigma?

Or is there something else at work entirely?

The answer is multi-faceted. 

Why There’s Fewer Women

After researching the topic at length on an array of public forums and after considering my own personal experience, I have found that it is due to a combination of factors. *Womp Womp* I know this isn’t as exciting as a HERE IS YOUR ANSWER type of an answer but hey it is what it is. Like most things in life, the answer is not so black and white. *shrug*

The Gist

I know it’s shocking to believe (sarcasm) but on the whole, women will NOT attend nude venues swarming with men. Simply put, it’s hard enough to get women nude without the added burden of being hit on by men, whether that be real or imagined. According to a 2017 study, only about 7% of women in the US have ever been to a nude beach compared to about 10-25% of European women. This disparity can largely be attributed to culture and stigma, but it can’t be chalked up to that entirely. As the following quotes articulate, there is something greater at work than just social stigma as a culture exists within the naturist community itself. 

As written by longtime nudist, Jillian Page, “Many social nudism/naturism organizations strive for a 50-50 ratio of male and female members, but rarely achieve that. Usually, there are more men than women…”

Page adds, “Those of us who live the naturism code don’t care about the male-female ratio. We wouldn’t want anyone to be turned away because of someone’s ratio hangups. All should be welcome — once vetted (for clubs), of course.”

But this is easier said than done. Resorts and other clothing-optional places have these code ratios in place for safety and to encourage their guests to feel at ease as much as possible. So a majority of the time, if a location doesn’t require ratios to be kept in place, a woman might be even more put off as she is not used to the dynamic since other locations are keeping up this standard. 

But to Page’s point, every naturist is different and therefore, more seasoned naturists might not see this as an issue. This is where it becomes a popular point of debate as the reasons slowly start to break down depending on personal values. 

What Men Can Do To Help

Regardless of why it’s happening, men CAN help!

  • Remember, you have a physical advantage over most females

You might be thinking, “Wait, what? WTF does this have to do with anything?!” But hear me out, I have found that most men who are mindful of this simple fact, tend to carry themselves in a way that is more approachable and ally-informed. This also goes along with remembering your privilege. The reason a lot of these resorts have ratio rules is to create a manufactured sense of security that most females are not accustomed to in a real-world setting. 

  • Be respectful

This one is a no brainer. So basically, remember what your parents taught you because manners don’t come off with your clothes. Mind people’s personal space and do not gawk at anyone. A good rule of thumb is if you have to ask, don’t. 

  • Look over this Naturist Code of Conduct

Check out this awesome, straightforward, honest guide here on how exactly to behave.

  • Have conversations outside of the community to educate others and inspire confidence

Maybe a few of these reasons have you feeling accused or assumed guilty? You’re not alone, but this can only change through honest and open communication. I strongly encourage men to talk about these issues with the people in their lives that they’re close to and with whom they feel comfortable sharing.* 

What Women Can Do To Help

Spoiler alert! A lot of these are the same as the previous – we are in 2020 after all. 

  • Be respectful

See above. The basic idea is – MIND YO’ MANNERS.

  • Look over this Naturist Code of Conduct

Check out this quick guide here on how exactly to behave. It has good tips for everyone regardless of gender.

  • Have conversations outside of the community to educate others and inspire confidence

There are many misconceptions that surround the community. By being open and talking about different issues with loved ones and acquaintances, we can start to positively influence those around us and work towards change. As women, we can use our voice to inspire others to be brave and experience a community they might have been too scared to even research.* 

*With social distancing going on, these can be harder to have but even sharing a social media post can sometimes be enough to get some dialogue going with a loved one. 

Naturist Unite for a Stronger Community

One of the only ways to effectively fight stigma is with education and positive experiences. Now more than ever, we have to come together as a community and strive for inclusion and equality. Why is it so important to me to share the world of naturism? Because I truly believe humans are happiest this way – in our most natural state. I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Kevin Bacon, (yeah, the Footloose one) “There’s something therapeutic about nudity. Clothing is one of the external things about a character. Take away the Gucci or Levi’s and we’re all the same.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself. 

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