Do you like taking off all your clothes and walking around with your boobs, balls and butt out in the open air? Does the thought of heading to a clothing-optional beach give you the overwhelming urge to rip your clothes off? Or maybe you’d just rather hang out with other similarly naked people than with your jeans and sweatpants-wearing buddies?
If you found yourself nodding along to one or all of these questions, it could be a tell-tale sign that you are nudist.
But apart from the obvious – the fact that you love being butt naked surrounded by other butt naked people – what else is a dead giveaway of your preference for life in the buff?
Read on for an extensive list of all the other symptoms indicating that you’re diverting away from a regular “textile” life and heading along naked highway towards nudistville.
1. You know you’re a nudist when you prefer walking around without clothes than wearing them
The most common red flag when it comes to being a nudist is your relationship to clothes. Do you find clothes more of a help or a hindrance? Do you feel that they’re unnecessary and superfluous?
Sure, wearing clothes in the winter is kind of necessary to prevent you from getting frostbite and freezing to death. They also make a cute fashion statement. But do you actually like wearing them? In the summer? When the weather is warm? Or do you prefer the freedom of being able to walk around, unobstructed by skinny jeans and undisturbed by your tight bra?
If you find yourself wandering around the house nude and seeking out places where you can get naked (legally), it might be fair to say that you are a nudist.
2. You know you’re a nudist when you’ve always had a fascination for the human body
If you’ve always admired and had an interest in the naked human body – and no, porn does not count – it could be an indicator that the nudist life is for you.
Being curious and fascinated by the human body, admiring nude artwork and marveling at Michelangelo’s statue of David all signal your admiration for the human body in its most natural form – nude.
More than that, if you are a nudist, you know that sexuality and nudity are two very different things. You don’t ogle at people when they’re clothes-less. You appreciate the human body in all its shapes and sizes. And you love walking around naked among other naked people.
3. You know you’re a nudist when you dream about a world where nudism is socially acceptable – everywhere you go
Do you ever fantasize about a world in which you can walk down the street in the nude without getting chased down by the police? A world where you can sit down to eat a pizza without having to unbutton your jeans? A world where the naked human body is loved and accepted, instead of sexualized and shamed?
If you spend your time thinking about such scenarios, seeking out places where nudism is celebrated and discussing such issues with other like-minded, naked friends, you can slap a sticker that says NUDIST on your bare chest.
4. You know you’re a nudist when you have a perfectly even tan after the summer
You can only get an even tan if you ditch your swimsuit. There’s no two ways around that. Unless you’ve mastered the superpower of being able to tan through your clothes, getting that bronze summer glow, minus the annoying tan lines must mean that you’ve spend a considerable amount of time naked. And outdoors.
Don’t get me wrong, having an even tan doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a nudist. You could have just gone to the tanning salon or gritted your teeth and gotten naked in your private backyard. It just means that you’re dedicated to the cause.
But if you’ve hit up the nude beach a few times during the summer, loved the feel of the breeze caressing your bare skin and had fun chatting with other like-minded people, you’re most likely a nudist.
5. You know you’re a nudist when the thought of soggy swimsuits and tight speedos makes you shudder
If you’ve ever gone skinny dipping or spent the day at a nude beach, you’ll know just how amazing it feels wading out of the water and not having your wet, smelly bathing suit clinging to you. The feeling of the water on your skin, the sun all over your body and the gentle breeze caressing your nether regions are enough to make you just leave your swimsuit at home in your closet, where it belongs.
The only thing worse than a soggy bathing suit is finding it 3 weeks later in your beach bag, growing mold.
If you’ve opted to ditch your bathing suit completely – or at least vowed to liberate your body on the beach a few times a year – you can proudly call yourself a nudist.
6. You know you’re a nudist when you no longer wear jeans or any form of tight clothing
Baggy pants, loose-fitting shirts and dresses have become your new best friends. On the rare occasion that you do go out buying clothes, you choose the ones that are 100% cotton, and made of all-natural materials. Anything that’s scratchy, itchy or tight has been discarded from your wardrobe. You can’t bear the thought of having to put on clothes that make you feel uncomfortable.
You have a decreasing tolerance for any pants or underwear that press in on your belly, and clothes that leave marks on your skin are the worst.
If you find yourself nodding along and agreeing with all of these statements, there is a high chance that you could be a nudist. Or that the nudist lifestyle will serve you well.
7. You know you’re a nudist when putting on clothes after a week of being naked feels unnatural
Let’s face it, if you’ve spent a week in the buff, that should be an obvious enough sign that you’re a nudist. Unless you’ve either donated all your worldly possessions to Goodwill or had your wardrobe raided by fashion hoarders, spending a week au naturel (and enjoying it) is pretty much what nudism is about.
But if that’s not a good enough reason for you, then putting on clothes and feeling weird in them sure is! If after spending a week in your birthday suit the thought of getting dressed sounds unappealing – and you’re already planning your next escape – chances are you’re a nudist.
8. You know you’re a nudist when you’ve experienced sunburn in the most painful of places
If you’ve ever gotten sunburn on your sensitive areas, that means you’ve spent too many hours in the sun without applying sunscreen. And of course, you’ve spent that time naked.
A non-nudist can only imagine the excruciating pain of burning your balls and having to apply aloe vera religiously each evening, while trying to walk normally during the day. Not to mention the quizzical looks and “are you sure you’re okay?” that you get when you grimace each time you take a seat.
If you’ve ever sunburnt your privates by spending too much time naked under the sun, it’s pretty obvious that you’re a nudist.
Next time don’t forget to take your SPF 50 to the beach with you – and apply it everywhere.
9. You know you’re a nudist when you defend the notion of getting naked and hanging out with your friends
You hate it when people say social nudity is abnormal. You don’t understand prudes and people who won’t let anyone even see their underwear. Worst of all, you hate it when people openly criticize the idea of you hanging out naked with your friends.
“But isn’t that gay?,” “are you going to have an orgy?” and “that’s so gross” are all phrases that make your skin crawl. You don’t understand why the human body has become so sexualized. You don’t want to feel ashamed of your own natural body.
Most of all, you want to be able to chill and BBQ or grab some beers with your buddies, naked, without fear of what others will say if they find out.
You’re quick to educate people about the health benefits, both mental and physical, of spending more time in the nude. You reject all ideas that nudity among others is gross and weird. You are a nudist – and proud.
10. You know you’re a nudist when you can’t wait for shower time
If you’re a nudist, then shower/bath time is your favorite part of the day.
After all, even if you’re concerned about your naturist status, showering is something that is normally done naked.
11. You know you’re a nudist when you sleep naked
Okay, so you might just enjoy the feeling of sleeping without your baggy pajamas bunching up around you. Or maybe you’re conscious of the whole host of health benefits that come with sleeping sans clothes.
Whatever it is that brought you to this stage, you can admit that you do it for a reason. Most likely, because you simply love being naked. And in your own bed, under the safety and privacy of your duvet is the best place to do so.
But be warned. Sleeping naked is a perfect introduction – or gateway – to trying out nudism at home. And once you start walking around your house wearing nothing but a smile, it’s a slippery slope to social nudism.
Before you know it, BOOM. You’re a fully-fledged nudist.
12. You know you’re a nudist when you find yourself thinking “this would be a great place to get naked” multiple times a day
If you’ve ever found yourself in a beautiful location and the first thought that came to mind was “man, this would be better if I was naked” – then there’s a high likelihood that you’re a nudist.
Some of the most breath-taking places in the world are in nature. And what better way to get closer to nature than to strip off and go au naturel?
As a self-proclaimed naturist, you firmly believe that de-stigmatizing and normalizing nudity is in society’s best interest. The world would be a better place if you were allowed to just get naked. After all, what’s more amazing than the human body in all its glory?
13. You know you’re a nudist when you’ve gotten caught dancing around your house naked
You put on some tunes and did a little boogie in the nude, having all the fun in the world, when someone burst in on you. It was surprising. It was humiliating. Maybe you even dived for your duvet or ducked behind your door.
Getting caught when you’re not wearing any clothes can be embarrassing if whoever busted you wasn’t expecting to find you in your birthday suit. What’s more, it can take a little bit of explaining.
The same goes with lounging on the sofa, gardening, baking cupcakes or doing the washing up. Whatever you’ve been caught doing naked around the house, it doesn’t really matter. It all sounds like nudist activity.
14. You know you’re a nudist when clothing-optional resorts, naked vacations and hikes in your birthday suit sound appealing rather than appalling
If the thought of going on a week-long holiday at a resort where you can be free of clothes sounds like something you’d want to do, you are 100% a nudist.
Taking a vacation to a place where nudity is not just accepted but encouraged and celebrated can seem like a fantasy from your wildest dreams. But it is possible. And such places do exist. The freedom to just be yourself and be surrounded by others who share your values is just a few of the amazing things that you can enjoy at a nudist resort or on a naked vacation.
Plus, it’ll give you the chance to celebrate your naked status with the rest of the nudist community. Not to mention all the space you’ll save in your luggage from leaving your clothes at home.
15. You know you’re a nudist when you’re reading this article
If you’re reading this article, you’re probably a nudist.
So, tell us… Which of these apply to you? Did we miss any telltale signs that you’re a nudist? Let us know in the comments! 🙂
OMG, I can relate to almost all of these, except I haven’t been caught dancing naked yet. . I’m just waiting for the FedEx or UPS delivery to see through the front door. . Awesome list and very well thorough.
I know I am a nudist when everyone of the above statements apply directly to me and I agree 100%.
Feel like you just described me and 80% of my wife. One of the best articles I have read in a while on this way of life
Sleeping naked really apply to me. I’ve slept naked for almost a year and now I’ve started trying out nudism at home. And I’m really enjoying it so it feels like I’m ready to make a permanent lifestyle change and stop being a textile. At least at home to begin with.