January 22, 2025

Why You Should Make Friends with Nudists

If you’re thinking about, getting into, or already living a nudist lifestyle, you might be thinking about how to make friends with other people who share your love of living life in the nude.

As most people in mainstream society are “textile people” – that is to say people who aren’t nudists – it might be a case of getting yourself over to a nudist beach or event and socializing with the people there.

“But what do I talk about with my fellow nudists?” I hear you say.

Going up to total strangers and striking up a conversation may be intimidating at best and downright terrifying at worst.

It’s sort of like your first day at school; you’re self-conscious, unsure of what to do and you’re afraid everyone will stare and laugh at you… oh, and you’re naked.

For a lot of people, this is the stuff of nightmares. You might wonder how much personal space to give them, where to look, and how to stand to make sure you aren’t too… er… in their face. You may even struggle to maintain eye contact as your eyes wander or give away that you’re feeling uncomfortable as a slow blush spreads across your cheeks (the ones on your face!).

However, much to most people’s surprise, making friends with people who are also practicing nudism might well be even easier than making friends with non-nudists!

Here’s why:

Shared Interest in Nudism

Let’s state the glaringly obvious. You already have at least one thing in common which is, fair to say – quite unusual: you’re both nudists, or at a minimum you enjoy being nude outdoors.

If this isn’t enough to build a level of trust and solidarity between the two of you, I don’t know what it. You won’t have to explain or rationalize your choices or fear being judged, as you’re in the same boat, so to speak. You can be completely yourself in all your naked glory, knowing that the other person feels the same sense of liberation (and possibly awkwardness at first) that you do.

If it all gets too much, at least you can both laugh about it.

Avoid Boring Conversation Topics

You have likely been through some similar difficulties on the way to becoming a nudist. From dealing with a variety of personal issues such as sexuality and body acceptance, to possibly dealing with “textile friends’” unrequited opinions on your new lifestyle.

Once successfully overcome, these issues are much easier to talk about and share with others who have gone through the same thing. Opening up and talking about less mundane things with fellow nudists becomes more natural.

After all, small talk makes for a good conversation starter, but it isn’t what fulfilling conversations are made of.

Meet Like-Minded People

People who have overcome such issues as mentioned in the last point are more likely to be open minded, less defensive and friendlier with new people. Their (possible) struggle for acceptance has made them more understanding and open to other fellow nudists, newbies or even to the thoughts and opinions of “textile friends.”

Social interactions in person are therefore made a little less scary and intimidating knowing that others who also practice nudism aren’t usually as judgmental or defensive as mainstream society may be.

Nudists Have Been Through What You’ve Been Through

If you’re concerned about your body or have other personal concerns regarding your appearance when being all out in the open, so to speak, the chances are that other nudists have been through it or may still even be going through it.

So in reality, you won’t have to worry about the other person being critical of your body; they too know what it’s like to feel shy, embarrassed or a little uncomfortable.

Conversation is Easy and Friendly

Nudists in general enjoy talking to others about their shared interest. For one, this could be because it helps validate the “unusual” enjoyment of being naked with other. Talking about their preferred way of life with others who share it also dispels any lingering fears or doubts about their nudist lifestyle.

It can also lead to interesting conversation and useful exchanges of information, such as other awesome nudist beaches, naked hiking trails, skinny dipping spots or clothing-optional events.

And you can be guaranteed to run into at least one chatty guy or girl at a nudist beach or resort!

Nudists are (Usually!) More Tolerant of Other Opinions and Alternative Viewpoints

Since nudism and nude recreation isn’t what’s considered the norm in mainstream society, those who practice it are usually people who are more open minded to different ideas and lifestyles.

Although this isn’t guaranteed, it’s more likely that because of this, they will be more open to talking about other topics that mainstream society may deem strange or unusual. This may make you feel more comfortable and willing to discuss topics with other naturists that you would feel hesitant discussing with others.

But… What if I Run into Some Creepers?

There are all kinds of people in the world – and on nudist beaches! Some of them you just won’t vibe with and they may even come off as a little, dare I say it… creepy.

It might be that someone’s eyes are fixated on your boobs instead of your face, or that they start asking uncomfortable or probing questions. They may even – to your shock and dismay – mistake your friendly conversation for an invitation to plonk their sweaty bum down on your towel. This is NOT okay.

In this case, the best thing to do would be to politely excuse yourself and find someone else to talk to, or another activity to engage in that’s out of eyesight from your previous “friend.” Worst-case scenario, ask for help from a lifeguard or call the police.

Fortunately, Haulover Beach has an Ambassador program where men and women volunteer to help monitor the beach and provide assistance when needed. Contact a Beach Ambassador if you need assistance.

Either way, never feel that you should stay in a conversation that makes you feel uneasy out of politeness.

Have Fun!

Last and most-definitely not least, be sure to have fun. You’re at your nudist place of choice to enjoy yourself, after all!

Some of my most-memorable, fun moments have taken place at clothing-optional beaches like Haulover. It’s a time to make some great memories, meet some fun people, and enjoy life.

Don’t forget to check out the Haulover Beach Online Shop to check out stickers, shirts, and more! 

2 Comments on Why You Should Make Friends with Nudists

  1. Just returned late Monday night from bucket list trip of six days at Haulover, my first (and long awaited) visit to any dress code free beach. Tuesday morning I booked a return visit for just two weeks hence. What does that tell ya?

  2. Your article addresses key points which leads me to comment about friendships and a sense of community. When nude strangers meet, it is like genetic tribalism that we are naturally perfect just the way we are and we need this freedom to be who we are and to be truely happy. Thankyou for thoughtful writings.

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