March 7, 2025

How To Practice Social Nudism During Social Distancing

Photo Courtesy of u/Hottie1969

The world has been turned upside down by the spread of COVID-19. Self-isolating, self-quarantining and social distancing have become the norm in most countries around the globe.

But apart from the more common questions like “when will things go back to normal?” nudists like me are asking ourselves how to keep social nudism alive when we’re advised to be anything but social.

Of course, heading to the nearest naturist club or hosting a nude house-party are out of the question – and will probably get shut down anyway. So, is there anything we CAN do?

The answer is a great big whopping: YES.

As long as you keep an open mind and recognize that the experience is not going to be the same as before. Unless you just happen to have nudist neighbors who you can have a little distance-party with from your respective back yards. But with the wonders of new technology, why wouldn’t it be possible to continue our much-loved lifestyle, get to know others and make new friends – even from complete isolation?

Check out some of the top safest ways to stay involved with your fellow nudists and practice social nudism from the safety and comfort of your own home.

Organize an Activity-Filled Naked Staycation in Your Backyard

If you’re living at home and self-isolating together with your family or friends, planning out a whole day of nudist fun add some spark into the monotony of quarantine life. Not to mention it will bring everyone together and take your mind off things for a while!

Now that the weather is getting warmer, if you have a (private) garden you can do all kinds of things you’d normally do. Set up the barbecue, plant some veggies, host a naked sports tournament, or throw a family garden party. Or just lie back and get your tan on while you soak in that vitamin D. All in your birthday suit of course.

If you don’t have a garden or private area to shed your clothes outdoors, there’s still heaps to do inside. Organize a naked murder mystery party, boardgames night, movie marathon or indoor picnic to bring your bare-bummed loved ones together. The point is to spend quality time with each other and make the most of the self-quarantine period with your loved ones.

Join or Create an Online Nudist Community

If you’d like to keep on meeting like-minded people that share your nudist lifestyle, joining a naturist Reddit group, like the Haulover Beach subreddit is the best way to fine-tune your online social skills!

By joining an online nudist community, you’ll be able to connect with other naturists not just in your area, but across the world too. Online nudist groups can host events for their members, including nude photo competitions, sharing naked baking videos or having group calls and meetings. This might help you feel more like a nudist instead of just being naked in your own home.

Now that people are spending more time on the internet, there are bound to be more people to talk to and befriend without setting your pants-less leg out the front door.

If you can’t find a community that you’d like to join, or if you want a group of your own involving your other passions – nude yoga, for example – why not create your own Facebook group and spread the word!

Create Your Own Online Meetup

If you and your nudist friends have been itching to hang out face to face, you can make the most of free and (now hugely discounted) online tools.

Apps and platforms such as Skype, Zoom and Google Hangouts let you video call multiple contacts at once, making it the perfect choice for hosting an online event. That said, whether you choose to appear naked on camera, even with your closest friends, is something to seriously look into before diving straight in.

Making sure you have adequate and updated security and antivirus software can prevent you from being hacked or “Zoombombed” during your call. If you want to make sure you’re 100% covered, you can always angle your camera to show just your face or hide your cam completely.

Organizing your own online nudist meetings can put you in contact with nudists in your area you didn’t even know existed. This way you’ll still be able to make nudist friends without going outside.

Also, once you’ve built up your own little online nudist community, by the time things go back to normal you’ll have a new group of nude buddies to meet up with in person.

Go on a Naked Hike

Depending on whether your country or state is in full lock-down, going on a naked walk outdoors on your favorite nudist trail may or may not be allowed.

Make sure to check with your local authority whether your preferred naked hikes are open before setting off to avoid disappointment – or hefty fines. Some countries allow recreational activity even during lockdown, so it’s best to stay informed and gather all the information you know before setting your mind on it.

If you are able to, hiking nude will freshen up your body and mind, get you moving and instill a sense of normality during these tough times. Soaking in the sun and vitamin D, spending time in the fresh air and getting back to nature are all kick-ass ways to boost your immune system.

Be sure to take face masks and plenty of hand sanitizer, distance yourself from other nude hikers and stick to any health and safety regulations. Having the police chasing your bare butts is not an ideal way to spend the afternoon.

Whether you organize a nude day indoors, join or create a naturist Facebook group or have an online get-together with your pals, we’d love to hear about it!

How are you practicing social nudism during lockdown/self-isolation?

Do you have any other fun activities you’d like to share?

What is the first thing you’ll do once everything returns to normal?

Drop us a comment below and let us know!

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