February 23, 2025

Do’s and Don’ts: Making Nudist Friends

Going to a nude beach like Haulover Beach or to a nudist resort like Cypress Cove is a ton of fun – especially if you have some nudist friends to go with!

If you don’t have any friends who enjoy nude recreation, don’t fear! Nudists are a friendly and social bunch, who love to talk about anything from their lifestyle choice to other hobbies and – quite literally, anything! The open-mindedness that comes with nudity often makes for super interesting conversation, so you can expect to discuss anything from the strange and unusual to the controversial, all without fear of hate or judgment. Quite often, nudists know what it’s like to be judged – and they avoid it!

If you’re still a little shy of approaching another naked human or are intimidated by the whole nudity factor, here’s a few tips on how to break the ice, and get yourself some nude buddies!

Don’t forget to check out our other articles to calm your nerves before giving it a go.

Introduce Yourself

Going over to someone and introducing yourself is probably the easiest and most straight-forward way to make friends. Simply tell them you’re new here (if you are), introduce yourself and ask them how they’re doing.

Make sure you pick an appropriate moment to do this of course – don’t go up to someone when they’re visibly occupied, eating dinner, pitching a tent or snoozing away. Unless of course you’re happy to help with the tent-pitching!

Ask If You Can Join a Game

Nude recreation is a sure-fire way to make a ton of friends at nude beaches or resorts. Asking to join a nude volleyball or football game can bring you closer to others while having something to do at the same time, so if you’re no good with small talk, this is a good way to make friends while minimizing any awkward silences.

Ask Simple Questions

Going up to another nudist and asking something like “Where’s the restroom?” or “Do you know any good places to eat nearby?” is a good way to start a conversation. From this you can nicely lead into “Is this your first time here or are you a regular to this place?” You can also get some pretty useful information about other hidden gems and nudie spots nearby if you’re lucky!

Lend a Nudist a Hand

If you see someone struggling to pitch their tent, wrestling their picnic blanket against the wind or just looking a bit lost, here’s your chance to help them out and brighten their day. Who wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who’s just saved them a lot of hassle and made them feel cared for?

Especially if you see someone looking lost or uncomfortable – maybe it’s their first time going fully nude in “public” – a friendly “Hi, how are you?” or a reassuring smile may make them feel more at ease. After all, we were (or are) all new once.

Be Sure to Maintain Eye Contact

This one applies to all those with wandering eyes. It’s completely normal to be curious when you’re all new to nudism. Other people’s bodies are beautiful and fascinating, but it’s better to just appreciate and look from a distance (look, not stare) than giving people the full once-over when you’re approaching them in the hopes of striking up a conversation.

Try and not let your eyes drop below shoulder-level, as tempting as it might be, while you’re chatting, and you’ll have earned a level of trust that’s pretty valuable in the nudist community.

Ask if You Can Join a Group Meal or Event

What better way to get to know someone than at a naked group meal? Many nudist resorts and clubs organize nude dinners and like to get everyone together to have a bit of a natter and get to know one another.

Group hikes, parties or trips are a great way to get to know others who share your love for nudity. Just like when you go to a hostel, naked resorts often have a range of group events and activities for everyone to participate in to bring the community closer together and for newbies and singles to make friends.

Invite Others to Join an Activity

Instead of being the one asking to join a sports game or activity, why not get together with your partner, friends, or even on your own with an activity of your choice. If you’re on your own, why not challenge someone to a game of chess or cards, or maybe even a few people to your favorite board game!

You call the shots and pretty soon you’ll have a new little group of friends – just like that.

Let Them Know You’re New to This

Sometimes people just don’t feel like talking, and sometimes they do – it can be hard to gauge. By letting someone know you’re a newbie or feeling a little shy can bring out their chatty side, as they will want to make you feel as welcome and at ease in the community as possible. They’ll also be able to help you out and ensure you don’t get into trouble by making an honest newbie mistake.

All is well and good when it comes to making friends, but what about when you just want others to think that you’re plain creepy?

In this case, follow these few tips to make sure you’re as unapproachable as possible. These are also good indicators of people you’ll want to stay away from when you’re at a nudist place.

The Stare-and-Gawk method

To make yourself as unapproachable as possible, start by staring at someone. Stare at them long and hard until they feel really awkward and have no choice but to look away. The next time they glance at you, just keep staring at them. Maybe give a bit of an exaggerated smile, or a wink. That’ll for sure ward off anyone within a 30-foot radius.

Make Inappropriate Comments

Comments like “Wow your boobs remind me of my ex-girlfriend’s…” or “Gee, I’d just love to play the drums on your butt cheeks” will make sure that no-one will even dare come up to you. You can make comments about the other person’s body, about others on the nudist beach, or about the dogs or birds – anything you see as long as you make the other person uncomfortable. Follow these up with some sexist comments like “Honey, do me a favor and get me a beer” or “You play pretty well for a girl” and you’re totally golden… Creep status: CONFIRMED.

Get in Their Personal Space

Nothing screams “AVOID” like getting up close and personal with a naked stranger. Getting up in someone’s personal bubble, your penis flopping inches away from theirs is a sure-fire way to be marked as a creeper to anyone in the vicinity. Make sure to let them know that you have no issues crossing their boundaries.

Combine this with some inappropriate comments for maximum effect and your soon-to-be-ex-conversation-partner will be running for the hills in no time. Creep status: CONFIRMED.

Sit on Their Towel

Want to guarantee fast attention and disapproval from other nudists? Just grab their towel while throwing in a quick “You don’t mind if I sit my bare butt on this do you?” Proceed to plonk your sweaty derrière down on their nice personal towel and do a little wiggle-jig on it for good measure. After all, why use your own perfectly good towel which is conveniently draped over your shoulder?

Take Photos of Them – Blatantly

And without their consent. Maybe ask someone to strike a pose while snapping a pic of them in all their glory. Follow this up with a “This’ll be trending on Instagram in a few days!” Comment and you’ll have some very upset and offended nudists on your trail.

Coming onto a nudist beach fully clothed and taking shots of other nudists is the advanced version of this technique. Expect to get disapproving comments, glares coming your way and possibly even escorted off the premises. Make sure you have your flash on…

This’ll get you excommunicated from any nudist group and will ensure that you are never invited again.

And there you have it. Your guide to making friends (or not) with other nudists.

In reality – bar the fact that you’re naked and so are they – making friends with other nudists is just like making friends when you’re clothed.

For some people making friends comes naturally, but to avoid any awkwardness or embarrassing situations, a top tip is to always take a towel with you. This way, you’ll have something to sit on if they invite you for a drink at the bar, something to cover your erection with if you get nervous and your body responds in this way, or even just to wrap around yourself if you feel self-conscious.

Naturists and nakedness-fans who enjoy going to nudist resorts, camping places or beaches are also sometimes referred to as social nudists, and quite often are. So don’t worry about feeling out of place or intimidated – the chances are you’ll be welcomed with open arms.

And as the saying goes, once you’ve made one friend, it’s so much easier to make more!

1 Comment on Do’s and Don’ts: Making Nudist Friends

  1. Our first visit to a nude beach was as expected, nerve racking. For about 1 minute. Folks on the beach acted just as this post said. Extremely friendly. Offers to help one windy morning and great advice. Thrilled to learn we were visiting from far away. Shocked it was our first time, as we didn’t have normal newbie tan lines. Excited when they found out how far we traveled to visit the beach. We enjoyed it so much, we canceled our vacation plans and returned to the beach each till our vacation ended.

    Already longing for our next trip. Textile beaches are no longer our Happy Place.

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