March 7, 2025

Why Going Nude During Quarantine Will Actually Help You

So we’re in the middle of a global pandemic…*gulps*

It can be pretty scary to say the least. You may already be asking yourself what millions of others are also asking themselves: How can I protect myself?

Outside the home, the essentials are pretty clear. Wear gloves, a mask, wash your hands, and stand at a distance of at least 6 feet. All of this is incredibly important. We all have to commit to staying home as much as possible and staying safe, limiting our exposure in lieu of a vaccine. This is not debatable. 

So here we are in 2020 and more specifically, here in the US, we are all for the most part quarantined to our homes except for when it comes to essential business (whether that be your job, grocery shopping, or going to the doctor). Okay, so all of this is super obvious as we are all pretty much living the same reality right now, right? 

However, I bring this all up to say this: People are undeniably spending more time in their homes now than ever before.

And because people are spending more time in their homes, more people are looking for ways to try something new that does not take them outside the scope of their household. This ranges from very general desires such as trying to work out more all the way to very niche goals such as attempting to cook a specific type of cuisine that takes hours to prepare like barbecue, certain Indian and Italian dishes, and many others. But in all of the trying, there is a common desire. A desire to use one’s time wisely and to improve oneself. 

As the news reports, now that we as a planet are focusing on healing our infected and subsequently staying indoors more, our earth is FINALLY beginning to heal from environmental degradation. So perhaps, this is all some sort of pathetic fallacy reversed. We see nature healing and in turn also try to heal ourselves all while staying protected in our homes. Just a personal thought. Anywayyy, I digress. 

How does nudism play into all of this?

Going nude raises your immunities!!!

Yes. Read that again.

Nudism is linked to a stronger immune system. Why though? Because being naked inevitably leads to your body getting more sun exposure. Which if you didn’t know – the sun’s rays actually INCREASE your body’s vitamin D levels, an element essential to keeping your immune system in tip-top shape. With a stronger immune system, you’re better positioned  to fight off viruses, including the common cold and flu… Which as most of you probably well know is exactly what everyone has been comparing the Coronavirus to! (Also, if you didn’t already know, no worries. There’s a ton to keep up with.

Feel free to read up on the symptoms a bit here if you have time. I highly recommend doing so!) But Vitamin D is not just responsible for this. On the contrary, Vitamin D does a lotttt for the body. It fights off cancer, supports your bones, and strengthens your teeth too. For more info, on the positive effects of Vitamin D, read this quick article here

Why else does going nude raise your immunities? By helping you sleep better! Yes, going nude has also been proven to do this too. And it’s no secret that sleeping more boosts your ability to fight off bugs and other ailments (not to mention fight the signs of aging). So by helping you stock up on naps, going nude strengthens your immune system that way as well. 

In conclusion, what are you waiting for? We are literally in a national emergency wherein we have been advised to self-isolate as much as possible. So go walk around naked in your home and if you have a yard or a balcony, be naked out there too. Just make sure that if you do decide to venture outside in the nude that you don’t fry your skin while soaking up those immune-boosting rays. For more tips on being in the sun while nude, check out this article here.

But maybe you’re not motivated by boosting your immune system alone? Maybe you’re thinking: that’s not a good enough of a reason for me to go out of my comfort zone. And that’s totally fair. I get it.

I also would say… The benefits don’t stop there, my friend. 

Being nude comes with a plethora of benefits that are all too easy to access!! What do I mean by this? Well, think of how easy it is to undress. Pretty easy, I’d say. And yet, there are a myriad of positive effects that come your way by doing this one, simple act. So with everyone jumping on the self-improvement, try-something-new train AND being isolated, when is a better time to take off your clothes and cash in on some of those benefits for yourself? 


When you decide to take the leap (or maybe for you it’s not a leap, maybe you’ve always been curious), you should know that you are automatically doing yourself a few favors. Again, it’s the whole idea of you doing one action and it causing a cascade of effects that ultimately impact your life for the greater good. If that last part sounds too good to be true, it’s not. It’s just extremely uncommon, so you don’t hear of the effects often. (Only about 5% of Americans have even visited a nude beach let alone practice nudism in their households.)

Here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll experience after stripping down to your birthday suit

  • Your self-esteem will increase (insert link to my nude benefit self esteem article)
  • You’ll start to sleep better (as mentioned earlier)
  • You’ll start to look better – thanks to going nude burning more fat!
  • You’ll get more satisfaction out of life

And so much more

But don’t take my word for it. And don’t take the scientists word for it. Try it yourself and see what happens. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. 

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